Austin Rainwater Harvesting Interview Segment on CBS

Christian Flores from CBS Austin stopped by our office for a rainwater harvesting story he was working on. He got a chance to ask me many questions about rainwater harvesting and specifically about the practice here in Austin. I really tried to make the point that it is always the best time to think about installing a rainwater harvesting system, no matter if we are in drought conditions or if rainfall has been abundant. For Austin Water customers especially since the City of Austin offers a $5000 rainwater harvesting system rebate.

While I didn’t get too much camera time, one of our wonderful rainwater harvesting system clients did.  He discussed the benefits of rainwater harvesting from his own experience.  I think that is better than hearing it from me.

Click here for the Austin rainwater harvesting interview.

Categories: Television
Chris Maxwell-Gaines: I am a professional civil engineer that focuses on creating impacting and sustainable projects by identifying all of the hidden water conservation opportunities available in a project. I am particularly interested in working within the realms of sustainable site planning, integrated water management and planning, and low impact development practices.
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