Green Infrastructure

Posts about green infrastructure techniques that manage stormwater runoff

The Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting in an Urban Environment?

In our rapidly urbanizing world, where concrete jungles seem to be replacing natural landscapes, the importance of sustainable practices cannot…

What should I consider before installing a Rainwater Harvesting System?

Embracing sustainable practices in our daily lives is not just a trend; it's a conscious choice to preserve our planet…

What kind of maintenance does a rainwater harvesting system require?

Wondering how much maintenance is required for a rainwater harvesting system? Learn the ins and outs of maintenance for a…

Newsletter: October 2023

Newsletter: August 2023

Newsletter: July 2023

What Can Harvested Rainwater Be Used For?

Reilly Elementary School – 2022 TWDB Rain Catcher Award

The rainwater harvesting system at the Austin ISD Reilly Elementary School has received a 2022 Rain Catcher Award from the…

Project Spotlight: Hennigan Residence

The Hennigans set out on an environmental journey. The goal was to remodel an existing home in a way that…