Updated January 2022

New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) Rain Barrel and Cistern Rebate

New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) is offering a rebate of $0.50 per gallon, up to $250 in rainwater collection system rebates to their water customers. The rebate will be credited to their utility account.

NBU has specific guidelines for the rebate so you should definitely understand all of the requirements before purchasing any rain barrel or cistern.

Some requirements include:

  • Rain barrels and cisterns should be elevated at least 6 inches off the ground
  • If a cistern is installed, it must have a first flush system designed to divert and discard the first 10 gallons for every 1000 square foot of rain catchment area
  • Cisterns need to be opaque or painted to prevent light from entering
  • Rain Barrel openings should be covered with screening small enough to prevent mosquitoes
  • Overflow systems must be designed to prevent erosion or localized flooding

Download the NBU Rain Barrel and Cistern Rebate Application

We make the rebate process easy!

Contract with us and we will provide you with a “ready to submit” rebate application package.

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